10 Interesting Facts About Cat Paws
10 Interesting Facts About Cat Paws
2340 20/08/2024

Cats are very interesting creatures with their behaviors, habits and desires. The fact that people realize that cats try to understand people in a very different way has a great effect on them becoming interesting creatures. Cats’ physiological characteristics are as interesting as their behaviors. Thanks to their flexible and athletic body structures, they can make unthinkable maneuvers or sleep in very different positions. One of the interesting aspects of cats is their paws. Cats’ paws may be small, but they are of vital importance in terms of function.

1. Number of Claws

If you look closely at your cat’s paw, you can see that the number of claws on the front is more than the back. Cats have five claws on their front paws and four on their back paws. This extra claw in the front acts as a kind of thumb.

2. Walking Style

Cats have an incredible anatomy. Although cats look like they are walking on their feet when viewed from the outside, they actually walk on their toes. Cats, dogs, elephants and many other creatures walk only on their toes. These creatures have evolved this way to survive in the wild. It is known that dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago walked on their toes, despite being huge creatures.

3. Multi-Toedness

Like humans, some cats can be born with an extra claw. This condition, called polydactyl, is usually seen on one of the front or back paws. Multi-toed cats are also called Hemingway’s cat. Famous American writer Ernest Hemingway’s cat Snowball was a polydactyl cat and all of his kittens had multiple claws. Snowball’s descendants still live in America and all of them have multiple claws. Polydactylism is thought to be extremely rare in cats, but this is not true. Polydactylism is a common condition, especially in Maine Coon cats.